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Astronomy is a fascinating subject for a great many people. The stars, planets, moons and nebula of the night sky have indeed captivated mankind for many thousands of years.

But few people actually take it that bit further and buy themselves a telescope for a closer look – which is a big mistake as far as we're concerned! Firstly, because with a telescope you get to see celestial objects a hundred times larger than you can with the naked eye. And secondly, because getting yourself started in amateur astronomy can be a lot simpler than you might think. The following pages will give you all the information you need to make your new hobby as interesting and as enjoyable as possible.

Content written by Marcus Schenk, Astroshop.de

Chapter 1. - Fascination with astronomy

Anyone in the countryside away from city lights, or perhaps on a high mountain in the Alps, who has ever turned their gaze upwards on a clear night can perhaps understand why some people become so interested in the fascinating hobby of astronomy.


Chapter 2. - Tips for observation with the naked eye

Not only telescopes, but also the human eye itself is an observing instrument. Granted the eye is the smallest telescope that there is, but there is no better or more perfect telescope than the human eye. 


Chapter 3. - A short tale of frustration 

Every telescope has its use, but you must also consider many other factors before finding just the right telescope for you.


Chapter 4. - Telescope - The different types

Reflector or refractor? Schmid Cassegrain or Maksutov? Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of the individual designs and stop your agonising.


Chapter 5. - The pros and cons of different telescope designs in a nutshell

An overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the different telescopes.


Chapter 6. - Basic considerations in your choice of telescope

Opening Obstuktion, resolution, magnification and exit pupil. All these are factors that you should consider when choosing telescope to find out the optimal one for yourself.


Chapter 7. - The items of a telescope

A telescope consists primarily of the optics, the mount, the tripod and the eyepiece. Here you can find out more about the individual components.


Chapter 8. - Optical aberrations 

 There is no telescope or of any type of other optical instrument that is completely free of image aberrations. Here you can find out more about optical aberrations.


Chapter 9. - Other astronomical accessories

A telescope consists primarily of the optics, the mount, the tripod and the eyepiece. Here you can find out more about the individual components.