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Secrets of Stargazing

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Description du produit

Secrets of Stargazing
by Becky Ramotowski

Here's the perfect how-to book for recreational stargazers. It's loaded with practical advice to help new observers spend more time exploring the night sky and less time fumbling with equipment or wondering how, when, and what to observe. In Secrets of Stargazing you'll discover how to:

  • Quickly get started stargazing if you're the lucky recipient of a new telescope
  • Plan your observing sessions and record your observations
  • Star gaze in the city despite the lights
  • Quickly and easily collimate and polar align your telescope
  • Use star charts and discover star-hopping
  • See faint objects without actually looking at them
  • Observe in comfort
  • Decipher weather reports and understand sky transparency and seeing conditions
  • Find others in your area who share your love of the night sky.

Whether or not you own a telescope, Secrets of Stargazing is loaded with tips and tricks that are guaranteed to make you a better observer. It's a volume that no novice stargazer should be without.

Product info:
- Softcover
- 98 pages
- 6 by 9 inches


Données générales

Becky Ramotowsk
Nombre de pages
Poids (g)
Date de parution

Sécurité des produits

Sky-Publishing Secrets of Stargazing
Sky-Publishing Secrets of Stargazing
Sky-Publishing Secrets of Stargazing
Sky-Publishing Secrets of Stargazing
Sky-Publishing Secrets of Stargazing
Sky-Publishing Secrets of Stargazing

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