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12mm Kellner cross-hair eyepiece, with illuminated double crosshair
The Omegon crosshair eyepiece is ideally suited for guiding astrophotos when used in off-axis guiders or guide scopes. The extremely fine, illuminated double crosshairs make tracking the guide star much straightforward for you. Instead of having to cover the star, as with single crosshairs, you can keep it precisely positioned in the centre of the eyepiece. Any deviation from this position is noticed immediately, and in time to be able to react.
The advantages in a nutshell
- eyepiece with clear optics for using faint guide stars
- lens focusing - sharp focusing of the cross-threads for your vision
- Operates on 2x LR44 batteries (not included)
Photos are not everything
Discover other applications for your cross-hair eyepiece. These eyepieces can also be used measuring fields of view, for the polar alignment of a mount, or for getting the positional angles of double stars.
Perfectly tracked astronomy photos are no secret, but the result of using the right accessories